In the Presence of God
By Melody Beerbower, December 2011
If I were to stand before God today,
What would I say?
To give account for all the things I’ve done,
For each careless action,
For each thoughtless word,
For each stroke of my pen,
For each piece of gossip I’ve heard
And not tried to stop
But listened for more,
For each minuet I’ve wasted,
For each time I’ve given to the poor
Yet with selfish intent
To build up my pride,
For each time I did not repent
Of sin I tried to hide,
For each time I thought I was doing good,
But my heart was not right,
For not doing the things I should,
For each sinful delight.
Would I beg and plead
That my good works out weigh the bad,
That I took every chance
Every opportunity I had
To do good to others,
And the Law I faithfully obeyed,
Or, perhaps, that I couldn’t help my sin
Because that’s how I was made?
Or would I say, “Lord,
I am a sinner and my sins are great.
I have not faithfully followed Your word.
I’ve been filled with hate.
Though I strove to do what’s right,
My righteous deeds are but filthy rages in Your sight.
I’m not worthy to enter your kingdom,
Yet Your Son died for my sin,
And it’s through Him
I hope to enter in.”
One day,
Be it today, tomorrow, or many years hence,
We all will stand before God
And have to make our defense.
When you stand before Him that day,
Will you be ready?
What will you say?