WAIT. Come back!
I'm sorry. I promise I will not continue down that well-trodden, horrendously boring path; 'This is where I live.' This is my favorite this.' 'This is my favorite that.' 'This is--' You get the point. Instead I will attempt to do some mind reading and answer your question:
Poppycock means nonsense: absurd speech or writing. I'm afraid you'll find a fair bit of it on my blog, but I did warn you in the title. Poems are many, Prose a few, and Poppycock is scattered all through--
Oh. You mean, you didn't come to this page to read a discourse on my title? You wanted to learn something about me. (I guess the page is called, "About Me.") I tried telling you, and you got bored. Of course it's always the authors fault never the readers, so let me try again.
I discovered the joy of writing around the age of twelve. Over the years I have developed my "writer's voice" and am honing and polishing it the more I learn. My family and friends have found my writing entertaining, so I thought, why not share it with the world? I've never been very shy about sharing my writing, and I enjoy hearing peoples' comments on it--negative as well as positive. That's the way to learn.
As you read my blog, if you forget for a while all the cares of the day, if you smile a reluctant smile or laugh at what I say , if I you see through my silliness and find a glimpse of God, I will consider my job well done.