

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Random Limericks

 Writing limericks is a fun pastime. Here are a few I've written.

There once was a man named Fred,
Who slept standing on his head.
When people would question,
He'd say, "It's good for my digestion.
At least that's what I've read." 

There once was a cat named Mcfee,
Who got himself stuck in a tree.
He let out a yelp,
And call for help,
But no one heard his plea.

Soon a man came to the tree,
Which held as a prisoner Mcfee.
With getting the cat unstuck
He didn't have much luck.
So the cat stayed there permanently.

I know they're not that exciting. If I finish the story I'm writing I'll post that next. The title of it is The Day I Met Myself. (Compliments of Rebekah Zellers)

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